In 2008, I joined the bandwagon of bloggers who drafted a list of 101 goals to complete in 1001 days. Thinking back, I remember how far away 5/6/2011 would be, and how EASILY I could complete all of the goals on my sheet. I did over half of them, in the end…56 out of 101 of them to be exact. It’s a fantastic feeling knowing that I completed over half of my goals, but part of me wishes I tackled more. However, it’s time again to focus on the future…1001 more days.
That’s the day that my next set of 101 goals will (hopefully) be met. I learned this time around that I need to have a much better mix of easily feasible goals with only a few harder-to-reach ones. Last time, some of them were a little too ambitious for me, and I sort of felt overwhelmed and just gave up towards the end.
So, without further ado…here’s the new 101 goals (where the progress will be updated here):
Family and Friends:
1. send Christmas cards to all family and friends for 2011, 2012 and 2013
2. make a part of every Christmas gift for family and friends one year
3. send package of goodies to a friend or family member just because
4. host a holiday meal
5. host a party just because
6. give my parents a wedding picture to hang in their house
7. donate blood 6 times (0/6)
8. make a wedding album for ourselves with the Groupon I have
9. be a tourist in my hometown (NOLA)
10. take boudoir pictures (post weight loss)
11. use nothing but reusable grocery bags for 20 grocery trips (0/20)
12. no internet for a weekend
13. drive the speed limit for 5 days
14. take the plunge and buy something designer
15. attend a sporting event
16. attend a concertCharity:
17. donate 100 items I no longer need to Goodwill
18. volunteer for an animal adoption agency
19. volunteer at a kitchen on a holidayHusband:
20. surprise him
21. go on a vacation with him that isn’t within driving distance
22. start a workout regime together
23. make him his favorite dinner and dessert by request 5 times (0/5)
24. get him a gift, just because
25. give him a week off of house responsibilities (I do the choresBlog:
26. update one of my blogs 20 times in a month
27. get at least 15k hits in a month on one of my blogs
28. attend a blogger conference
29. do project 365 one year
30. guest blog for another blogger
31. vlog 3 times (0/3)Professional:
32. learn a programming language
33. earn a certification
34. take 5 training courses in my job field (0/5)
35. attend an out of state professional conferenceArts and Crafts:
36. make wedding card scrapbook
37. make wedding shadowbox
38. make scrapbook of senior year at LSU
39. cross stitch baby sampler for a friend
40. knit a pair of socks
41. learn how to crochet
42. don’t buy any craft items for 6 months (0/6)
43. crockpot die some yarn
44. make t-shirt quilt from old college shirts
45. get my fabric stash down to 20 yards of fabric total
46. get my yarn stash down to 5 skeins of yarn total
47. get rid of all of my scrapbooking supplies after my current projects are done…not a fan
48. get a craft idea of mine published in another blog or a magazineHealth and Fitness:
49. reach 270s
50. reach 260s
51. reach 250s
52. reach 240s
53. reach 230s
54. reach 220s
55. reach 210s
56. reach 200s
57. reach 190s
58. reach 180s
59. reach goal weight
60. be able to lift 50 lb. weights in a shoulder press
61. take vitamins everyday for 20 weeks (0/20)
62. exercise at least 4 times a week for 20 weeks in a row (0/20)
63. give up caffeine for a week
64. complete the couch to 5K program
65. do Jillian’s 30 day shred for 30 days STRAIGHT
66. not weigh myself for 30 days (rely on measurements)
67. attend a spinning class
68. drink nothing but water for a week for 5 weeks (0/5)
69. run a 5k (completely running/jogging)
70. run/walk a 10k
71. attend a yoga class
72. donate ALL of my plus sized clothing once I no longer fit in themCooking/Baking
73. successfully bake a loaf of crawfish bread
74. learn to make Memaw’s spaghetti and meatballs
75. make fresh pasta
76. come up with a fun flavor of peanut butter
77. make pickles
78. update food blog 20 times in one month
79. make fruit roll-ups
80. make crepes
82. make a cookie bouquet
83. smoke/BBQ a piece of meat
84. win a recipe contest
85. create an original baking recipe
86. fry something without burning or undercooking
87. try a recipe with something sweet in a savory dishFinances:
88. start saving for a baby fund!
89. own a share in stock
90. save 1/2 of my fun money for the month–4 times (0/4)
91. make a budget and stick to it for 6 months (0/6)
92. have an online shopping freeze for a month
93. actively coupon for 8 weeks (0/8)
94. bring your lunch to work all week for 8 weeks (0/8)Home:
95. print a picture I took on a canvas and proudly hang it in our home
96. print pictures for all of the frames we own and hang them or find a place for them
97. recycle diligently for 4 weeks (0/4)
98. make cleaning a habit…do one 15 minutes cleaning task/day for a full week–5 times (0/5)Spiritual:
99. attend church every Sunday for 30 weeks consecutively to develop a habit (0/30)
100. go to reconciliation 5 times (0/5)
101. pray every day for a month
Do you have a 101 goals page? How are you doing with it?
Im doing this too. I love reading other people’s 1001 in 101 lists, thanks for sharing yours!
I love this list, Amy! In fact, a lot of these would be on mine, too, were I to make one : ) I’m excited to follow along as you cross item off!
Thanks!! I just saw your new blog…holy cow girl! You are losing some serious poundage! You are SERIOUSLY an inspiration. 🙂
Good luck on achieving your goals! This seems like a good list.
Crepes are SO easy to make, btw, and they’re kind of addictive. I used to make them a lot in high school if I was home alone (which was often). I love that you can eat them with sweet or savory things.
I love this list! You have some really good ideas that I would have never thought of, i.e., donate blood 6 times (I love that one!) 🙂 Thanks for posting. I really enjoy your blog.