Last Saturday was supposed to be the Yelp event for the hubs and I to attend. That Wednesday, I joined the Facebook group for Yelp! BR and that’s when we first saw Amelia. Amelia was listed as a terrier/Australian Shepherd mix, and I was like huh? I didn’t see either breeds in her, but I trusted the Yelp folks. Hubs was smitten.
Friday, I found this video on the Yelp Facebook group. It was a video of a news segment publicizing adoption day for Yelp. Guess who was on there? Amelia! I immediately called the hubs and told him that I bet Amelia is already adopted. She’s FAMOUS! The hubs had already been in contact with the Yelp folks about Amelia, so he called the woman he talked to and they said 5 families wanted her! Somehow, hubs convinced the Yelp folks to allow us to pick her up that Friday and adopt her!! After talking to the Yelp folks, we found out that the Facebook person made a mistake. She is a border collie/cocker spaniel mix. Now, I can DEFINITELY see those in her!
So, we went on a whim without meeting her and told them we wanted her! We went to pick her up, and when the foster parents brought the litter in a box, Amelia’s head popped up! So cute!! She was obviously tired, though, because she let me hold her for a good while while we finalized the adoption. When we took her home, we decided to call her “Millie”, because it was close to Amelia to where it would not confuse her, and it just seemed like a better fit to me.
It’s been a week already since we’ve had her and boy, have there been some changes!!
- On Day 1, we got her toys galore. She couldn’t keep them in her mouth, because her jaw seemed pretty weak. Well, Millie can pull and tug against me now and squeak the heck out of her toys. It only took 5 minutes to wear her out during playtime. Now, it takes almost 45 minutes!
- On Day 1, she nibbled on mommy’s toes. On Day 5, she bit mommy so hard that she broke skin. Bad Millie! (Yes, I’m trying to get her out of this habit by yelping and offering her a chew toy.)
- On Day 1, we couldn’t take her outside. Something to do with her booster shots, and now she sniffs, plays and resists on her leash. She pottied for the first time outside yesterday! C’mon Millie…momma hates puppy pads!
- On Day 1, she was very stressed and whiney. She now wags her tail like crazy and BARKS!
- On Day 1, she hated her kennel. She now walks in it when we have to go to work or when it’s bedtime!
- On Day 1, she woke mommy up every 2 hours at night to use the restroom. She does it every 4 hours now.
Girlfriend is kicking butt and taking names, for sure! Watching this puppy grow has been very rewarding and fun. I can’t wait to see what Week 2 brings. We love you, Millie!
Millie saying hi to everyone! I was making kissy noises…she thought I was weird.
Why yes, Mommy. I do love Animal Planet.
The victim of her first Nylabone. Knocked out. 🙂
She is so cute! Glad to hear she is adjusting well.
Millie is adorable! Please keep us updated on her!
Oh my gosh soooo cute!!!