I’m going to start doing a “Works for Me” every Wednesday, because I love reading people’s tips that work for them. So, I’ll share some of what works for me! 🙂
I’m very much a “to do” list kind of person. Lists help me remember things I need to do when I get home and I get a little giddy inside when I scratch out a task. My list helped a lot during wedding planning, but at first, it was a little overwhelming.
So, I found a method for time management and tasks. It’s called the ABC method, and I find it to be a great way to set your priorities straight.
If you are looking for this explanation in a nutshell, basically you label your priorities “A”, “B” or “C”. I like to organize it with “A” is something I need to do today, “B” is something I need to do this week and “C” is something I need to do this month.
Here’s an example of a list:
B — call AT&T to fix bill
C — change last name
B — call dentist to make appointment
A — load & run dishwasher
C — cross-stitch baby pattern for friend
B — get inspection sticker
Of course, you can label all A’s, B’s and C’s together, but I write a list in a journal I have as it comes up in my head, so this works for me.
How do you make/organize your “to do” list?
For more “Works for me Wednesday” entries, visit We Are That Family.
Great idea. Byasking myself, “will I regret it if I don’t do this right away? helps me prioritize when in question.
This is a really good idea. It seems a lot less overwhelming when you see that you don’t need to do everything on your list RIGHT THAT MINUTE!