1. It’s been a few years since the last Harry Potter came out, and we finally watched it. Holy cannoli. Um…yeah. Didn’t see any of that coming at all. No spoilers, because I’m sure there are people out there who haven’t seen the end. However, I think I’m gonna finally take the plunge and read the books. After reading the Hunger Games trilogy, I can see where people are coming from when they say “It makes much more sense in the books…”. If you watched the movies, this Buzzfeed post is really gonna put a smile on your face. So much awesome.
2. I got a fun Influenster box in the mail from Mary Kay. I’m always worried about free make-up, because I’m super fair-skinned and usually the shades just don’t work for me. However, I’ve tried the cream eyeshadow and lipstick yesterday. I was stunned at how neutral the eyeshadow was…in the pan, it’s a purple shade, but on my eyes, it was a purple-ish brown. Very pretty. The lipstick looked like a highlighter pink, but on me, it was a good neutral with a hint of pink. Not too harsh at all! It also included mascara, and mascara is always a challenge for me. As a blonde, I wasn’t blessed with gorgeous Snuffleupagus eyelashes. Instead, I have a few, short blonde eyelashes, and mascara usually just makes them look like spider legs (I’m talking to you, Benefit’s They’re Real mascara…OMG talk about spider legs mascara…glad it was a free sample!). Anyway, this mascara actually made my lashes look great and defined! I’m definitely using these products every day now. 🙂 I’m glad the colors worked out.
Disclosure: I received those products in the mail for free, from Influenster and Mary Kay. All opinions/reviews are my own, however.
3. I’m on Day 9 of the Plank a Day challenge. I had to do a minute today. It blows my mind how much your body adjusts to challenges like this. I won’t lie…I still dread planks, but I’m loving how much stronger I feel!
4. Someone posted that a couple days ago marked 6 months until Christmas. What? Oh man…I know it’s early, but around this time, I start brain-storming ideas for handmade gifts. I will admit that I was completely thrown off when Hobby Lobby already had ornaments out. I completely understand having Christmas fabrics out early, but ready-made decor? C’mon now!
5. Another DietBet bites the dust tomorrow. I ::think:: I’ll make it for this one. I can’t explain how wonderful it is to be “back”. When I got off-track in May, I really felt like I couldn’t control myself. My cravings for junk were out of control, and the constant excuses for work-outs scared me. It’s easier said than done to get rid of those cravings, and to just get out there and work-out, but I’m just glad to be back into a routine and see those numbers going down again. 🙂
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! It’ll be Monday before we know it. 😛
I’m assuming I’m the 6 months until Christmas person, haha!
I’ve read the HP books and love them. I’m currently working through them as audiobooks and I’m surprised how enjoyable they are. It might be a bit difficult if you’ve never read the books to keep the characters straight at first but I think the movies would help a ton. Either way, go HP!
Oh my goodness, you have got to read the books Amy! They are SOOO much better than the movies!
Hee, hee, I never heard of long eyelashes referred to as “Snuffleupagus”-like.
LOL! He just always has had impressive eyelashes to me. 😛