I think I might start posting about things that are on my mind, but the subjects alone aren’t worthy of their own post, if you know what I mean.
- Blogs usually have a niche…this blog doesn’t. I don’t expect to ever have a huge following, because I can’t find one thing to write about and roll with it, life-wise. One week, you’ll get a post about sewing, the next, a post about how my dog ::dings:: wine glasses before every meal. It’s just random, and I’m sorry there’s no overall theme here. (Thanks for reading…)
- Why do failed politicians write books? Do that many people really care?
- I won a yard of fabric from here. I’m pretty darn happy, but how in the heck will I choose just ONE!?
- I’d love to go to BlogHer some day, and just be a starstruck crazy blogger gal trying to fit in. I think I’d be a babbly mess around the Pioneer Woman, but she’d love me, right? I mean she did tweet to me, once! We’re totally BFF’s!
- I entered to win some free pet photography from this amazing photographer in Baton Rouge. Feel free to enter, but don’t beat me, OK? Millie needs pretty pictures!
- Right now, I want to make a weekend of canning food gifts with summer produce like Tracy of SugarCrafter is doing, but I don’t know where I’d store all of the goodness right now.
- I want to own an Etsy shop at least half as successful as Gussy one day.
- I bought 1 work shirt, 2 soap dispensers, 1 eyeshadow and 2 packs of cupcake liners with less than $10 out of pocket this weekend. Mega coupon win!
- I quit Weight Watchers, because my leader was a 60 year old woman who talked about cooking with grand-kids all meeting. I couldn’t relate. I’m still the most I’ve ever weighed. I need motivation.
- Can it be Christmas already? I’m ready.
Any random thoughts you’d like to share? 🙂
Gah, I’m dealing with the same indecisiveness on my blog- how many topics are too many? Re the fabric (congrats on winning!), I love all the new prints from Alexander Henry! On the weight loss: I’m not sure what kind of motivation I can provide, but maybe you can start out with small goals and work you’re way up. Or find another group to join that you can relate to more. Either way, I’ll be cheering you on (from Texas) in whatever goals you may have!!
I know, right? I feel like my blog is completely random…oh well. I still have more than 5 readers…that makes me happy. 🙂
Have you thought about doing WW just online? I guess I should have gone to BlogHer, huh? I thought it was all Mommy blogs. I don’t think I have the type of blog that they would like or do I? I don’t think you have to be super niche. I see lots of blogs that cover many topics that have huge followings.
I’ve heard BlogHer had a bunch of mommy blogs, but then read quite a few food bloggers went as well.
I’m doing WW still…just not paying for the support. 🙂
I had a WW leader once that I couldn’t relate to at all either. Then I switched meetings & found someone that clicked with me, and that’s when I was the most successful! Is there a chance you could switch meeteings & try out a new leader?!
Aha…you and I share a common goal. I desperately want to go to a BlogHer convention. We should totally get our butts in gear and make it happen! Although the next one is where….San Diego? Kind of far, but hey – doesn’t Frenchie live in that area??? Annnyway, I digress.
I have NO idea how to make that happen..I’d love to have a company sponsor me. ::jealous of cool bloggers::