I’m finished with my Wilton Course I! Yay!! I may not be taking a course this coming month to help FI move in, since classes are offered on Saturdays (probably the same in Baton Rouge for me) and that would take away from some part of the weekend that we spend together (we only see each other on weekends)…
Anyways, pardon the crumbles…my icing was too stiff for the flimsy diet soda cake I made. I combined spice cake mix with Diet Dr. Pepper 🙂
madebymel says
Great job! It’s so nice to finish course 1, look at what you can do now! I love the roses and the dots!
Jessy and her dog Winnie says
Wow that cake is beautiful!
Alanna says
Amy, I love your blog! And this cake looks so delish. I have just recently started cooking for Chad and I so I love seeing your recipes!
Cakespy says
This is a simply gorgeous cake!! Wayne Thiebaud would approve, I think!