I am a coffee shop junkie. Some mornings when I woke up feeling crabby, nothing would change the day’s outlook more than a “mochasippi” from a local coffee joint. Apparently, I had many crabby mornings, because a month later, the barista would recognize my voice (and order) at the drive-thru window and tell me, “Morning, Miss Amy!”.
Well, it got to the point where I would stare at my bank statements, and realize, I’m spending far too much moolah on something so simple as coffee. I need to change this. One Particular Kitchen wrote about some fabulous iced coffee she makes, but I was skeptical about this. How could it compare to my precious mochasippi?
Well, a couple of weeks ago, I volunteered to be part of a test run group for The Nest. If chosen, I would get an appliance to test out and review (compliments of The Nest). Imagine my surprise when I got an email about testing out a coffee machine! I’ve never owned a coffee machine before (although with the amount of coffee I consume, I knew it would be a money saver!)
When I received the coffee machine, which is a Hamilton Stay or Go, I noticed that you can brew (double strength) iced coffee base with this machine. No excuses y’all. I knew that I had to try out this iced coffee, and well folks, I’m hooked!
This coffee machine comes with two travel mugs and a pot (you can brew 1 mug, 2 mugs or a pot). Since I’m the only coffee drinker in the house, the mug brewing feature became a MUST! Also, this machine is fool-proof. For someone who has never used a coffee machine in her life, this thing was a cinch to figure out. Also, if you and your husband have different tastes in coffee, there is a special double basket that will brew two different coffees into the two separate travel mugs provided. Neato, eh?
I got sent this coffee to sample from Starbucks as well. It was delicious as a base for the iced coffee.
I have been playing around with the recipe a little bit, and this is my favorite so far. There will be much more experimentation in the future though. Sometimes when I’m feeling ultra coffee shop, I add a squirt of whipped cream and syrup on top! Yummy!
1/2 double strength coffee base
1/2 2% milk
light chocolate syrup, to taste
Very simple. Very yummy and my wallet couldn’t be happier!
Note: This coffee machine and coffee was sent to me for review by thenest.com at no cost to me. My review, however, is 100% my thoughts, as I was allowed to give good/bad reviews on the machine.
Coffee junkie right here!!! (I actually just ran out of work really quick to grab some iced coffee from Starbucks, because the thought of work coffee made me want to gag, and I was out at home) I was also spending too much at my local coffee house, so after experimenting on several different things, I’ve settled on cold brewing in a french press. You just pour cold water over the grounds, put on the lid, stick it in the fridge, and press in the morning. I love it, but this machine sounds awesome. And I love the mug feature, also being the only coffee drinker in the house.
Yummy! I made iced coffees this weekend too, it was SO hot out! I too am a coffee shop junkie, but here en Suisse that can get pricey quickly! What type of syrup did you use?
Oh my gosh, Jenn. It’s a crazy summer right now, eh? This summer is killing me!
I actually used regular old Hershey’s syrup (they make a lighter version). I’m going to purchase real coffee syrups soon, though! I didn’t feel like fighting the mall crowds this past week to get to World Market. 🙂
YUM! Sounds super tasty!
Yummy! I work at a coffee shop in Alabama and you should try to add coffee ice cubes to it! All you have to do is freeze some cooled down coffee in ice trays and pop a few out whenever you make an Iced Coffee so whenever the ice cubes melt, it won’t get watered down, just stronger!! 🙂
Great idea! Thanks!
How lucky to get to try out a coffee machine! I usually cold brew my coffee for iced coffee, it leaves out the bitter flavor. Funny about a week ago I blogged about how to make it. I can’t drink iced coffee any other way.
How fun! I wish I had known about the Nest doing this!
And I love iced coffee! I might just have to give it a shot at home too!
Great coffee site – indeed there
is nothing that can replace a
freshed brewed coffee cup!
Awesome! We had one of these in college – no iced coffee brewing option though, darn!