That number shows how much of a wedding junkie I was. This number is how much money I’ve made (so far) from selling things that I originally bought for the wedding that ended up ultimately being useless for our wedding. Included in that number is the Gocco, which I sold for $185 after using it MANY TIMES though.
I know I spent more than what I sold the items for, but this serves as a great reminder to brides. Please don’t make the ring kill your wallet. Just because something says “wedding” or is in your colors, does not mean you will use it. Chances are, if you are like me, you will put things in a basket and forget they existed until 5 months post-wedding.
However, if you were like me and you have things to sell, here’s some of the services I used to help get rid of the items!
First of all, I gathered everything and put it in a basket in our craft room. That way, when I sold something, I knew it would be right there, in the basket, with no need to worry about where I put it last.
Then, I made a Google site. Very simple to use and format. It doesn’t need to be pretty…it just needs to show pictures and descriptions!
I posted the link on my signatures for websites that I post on, including the Nest. Make sure your community allows you to post a link for classifieds before doing so.
Then, I used classified boards specifically for leftover wedding items to make people aware of what was available.
The Knot/Nest’s “Trash to Treasure” Board
Weddingbee’s Classifieds
I reposted/bumped my posts in hopes of selling things and that helped a lot.
After a week or so of posting, I would reduce prices, sometimes by $1 or by $3. I did this continuously with reposting until the item sold. Also, you can write things like “Willing to take offers on multiple items”, and that can help multiple things sell quickly!
Now, I will say that I still have some things left, so I’m not an expert, but I think these will help a fellow past bride get rid of that junk with a nice chunk of change in your wallet! 🙂
I’m so jealous! I have been married for over two years and had every intention of selling leftover wedding stuff and never got around to it. We recently moved and instead of moving everything and not having a place to store it in the smaller place, I just decided to donate it. But now I’m wishing I had the motivation to sell the stuff! I don’t think I had as much as you, but still… wow!
Well, just in case you missed it, half of that was from selling the Gocco, so it’s not really that impressive. 🙂 I tell you what, though, the post office people sure remember me when I go weekly to send stuff out! 🙂