I really can’t believe it’s almost Christmas. The tree is decorated, stockings are hung, (most of) the gifts are wrapped and food gift boxes are finished.
It’s sort of a routine now….a different routine than it was for me 15 years ago. I tend to miss being a kid during the Christmas season.
I remember when I was younger, my siblings and I would glance over every page in the Sears Toy book. We’d carefully write our lists in our best handwriting, give the lists to our parents, and they made sure that it got in the mail for Santa. Even after the lists were done, we still looked over the book, dreaming about what toy might be ours on Christmas. It was such a happy time, full of anticipation and excitement.
When the holidays were approaching, school was out. I remember lounging around, watching cartoons, adding sprinkles to freshly baked cookies and drooling over the smell of fudge and pralines cooking on the stove.
On Christmas Eve, my sister and I would talk non-stop about the next day. We shared a room, so this led to a fairly sleepless night. We’d wake up at the crack of dawn, tip-toe downstairs, wake up our brother and sister and watch Christmas cartoons, waiting for Mom and Dad to come out with the video camera. It was a rule that presents could NOT be opened until Dad got the camera. 🙂
Once Dad would get the camera, I remember ripping open our toys from Santa, amped up on Hershey’s Kisses and Mom’s Mickey Mouse pancakes. We’d all scream, “OMG THANK YOU SANTA!” (I’m pretty sure Christmas Day with kids is the reason Advil stays in business..haha!) This happened again at my aunt’s house, where we all met up for Christmas. By the end of the day, we’d come home with way too many presents and a sinking feeling of “it’s over…no more Christmas”. :-
As an adult, things are a little different. I mean, of course, I look forward to the gift giving and receiving mumbo jumbo, but, as an adult, I will say, that I now understand that consumerism does not hold the true value of Christmas. As a Christian, I know that we are rejoicing Christ’s birth and HE is the reason for the season. To this day, I cringe when I see “X-mas”. I think most people don’t think the way I think, but I think it’s such a disregard for the reason of Christmas. Not to get all religious on y’all, but seriously, Christmas is a celebration for CHRIST…why “X” Him out?! Lame…
I like to look at Christmas with a different perspective now. It’s not the gifts that get me excited about Christmas (and I’m being completely serious…completely..). It’s really about seeing family and friends. Christmas just SCREAMS gathering to me, and I love that I get to see so much family at once. It’s wonderful to catch up and reflect on the past year with them. 🙂 While I can say, I completely miss that level of anticipation over Santa’s surprises, I have to say, I can appreciate this new outlook on the holiday season that I have as an adult. Not only does it make me feel a little bit more fulfilled, but even after Christmas is over, it’s not a sinking low feeling that I had as a child anymore.
What do you think of the Christmas season, now that you’re an adult?
Although I was raised in the church, I’m no longer religious so the meaning for me has changed in a few ways… but I still that the holiday means getting to spend time with family and friends and eat lots of good food!
Definitely! You don’t have to be a Christian to enjoy the celebration! 🙂
X has been used as an abbreviation for Christ since the middle ages. I don’t think people are “X”ing out Christ; I think they’re just being lazy. I tend to write it only in venues where I freely use other abbreviations, like facebook or text messages.
I agree that the best part of Christmas now is getting to see family. I love being able to relax and re-connect with everyone.
Interesting…I’ve never heard this before. It doesn’t really change my opinion though…Christ vs. X is 5 more characters. 🙂
“X” is actually the old Greek abbreviation for Christ (Xristos); Christ is abbreviated in Greek icons as XP (Chr., to translate) so it’s not technically incorrect. Now, do i think it’s classier to write out Christmas, since most people don’t know the history of the term? Absolutely! :p
I’m pretty sure 99.9% don’t know the history of the term, including myself until this blog post. 🙂 So, I totally agree! Thanks for commenting!
I was going to say what the commenter before me said. I much prefer Christmas, but don’t feel so bad when I see Xmas now… Merry Christmas!