A while back, I made this list of goals. If you’ve been reading a while, you’re probably familiar with my 101 goals in 1001 days list. I was recently checking off some items, and noticed my 30 Day Shred goal. I’ve had this DVD since the wedding days, but I never actually did the full 30 days. I actually never moved on from level 1. Whoops!
So, no better time than the present, right? Yesterday was day 1.
I took my measurements and my body fat percentage yesterday as well, so hopefully I’ll see some great results from this. 🙂
Has anyone looked at her face on this DVD, and thought that she’s saying “BRING IT!” with that expression?? Maybe that’s just me….
In case you’re wondering, I will be doing this in addition to my regular work-out routine. My strength training is going really well right now, and I also don’t want to slack off when it comes to running since my next 5K is a couple of months away. Hopefully this isn’t overkill, but I figured since this is a quick 20 minute work-out, it really couldn’t hurt, right?
Has anyone done the full 30 Day Shred? How were the results for you?
I have done the 30DS three times all the way through, and started it twice without finishing, and I saw some great results. It was definitely difficult, not going to sugar-coat it for you, but totally worth it. I felt stronger, and had a ton more energy, but I saw more differences in the way that I looked than I did on the scale, so having measurements is going to be great for comparison.
Also, not sure how you react to repetition in exercise, but I found that I needed more variety in my workouts, and with the way that 30DS is designed, doing the same exercise for 10 days in a row was too boring for me. So one of the times that I did it, I rotated through, so every day was a different exercise, Day 1 = Exercise 1, Day 2 = Exercise 2, Day 3 = Exercise 3, then back to Day 4 = Exercise 1. I’m not sure if I saw a difference in how the program helps in terms of fitness, but I definitely had more motivation knowing that I was doing a different workout each day, and it helped me to finish the program.
See how you like it, and let me know! Good luck!
I’m definitely taking this advice and jumping around levels. I’m on day 11, and I’ve mostly done days of level 1, but when I felt like trying something different, I tried level 2. Thanks for the tip!